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How to come
From Saint-Brieuc : Leave the RN12 exit Dinan, and follow the N176. Follow the direction Centre Ville and Gare. We are located in front of the train station.
From Rennes : Follow the Dinan / Saint-Malo direction with the D137 then Dinan with D794. Follow the direction Centre ville then Gare. We are located in front of the train station.
From the coast : Take the N176 and get off towards Dinan Centre. Follow the direction Centre Ville then Gare. We are located in front of the train station.
The parking is paying in front of the hotel but free on the train station's one, at 50m from the hotel.
Favor a train ride for our planet !
Nearby towns
- Saint-Brieuc : 65 km / 50 minutes
- Lamballe : 45 km / 30 minutes
- Saint-Malo : 30 km / 40 minutes
- Dinard : 25 km / 30 minutes
- Le Mont-Saint-Michel : 60 km / 1 heure
- Rennes : 55 km / 45 minutes
- Brest : 165 km / 2 hours
- Nantes : 185 km / 2 hours et 20 minutes