The Castle and the medieval festivals

The medieval city of Dinan

It is this atmosphere that brought artists in this city of Art and History known for its beautiful colorful half-timbered houses. Protected by 3km battlements overlooking the valley of the Rance, Dinan drives you through its little streets in a trip at the heart of Britanny history.

Follow Bertrand Duguesclin's traces from the Basilica Saint-Sauveur to the castle, master piece of the city's medieval enclosure.

Beautiful visit to not miss ! Iconic monument of the city, the castle of Dinan is imposing itself as an exceptional testimony of princely residences from the end of the medieval period. Constructed in the 1380 years, at the request of the Duke Jean IV to affirm his power on a city which was hostile to him, the Dinan's castle compete with the royal castle of Vincennes, king Charles V's residence. Kitchen, banquet hall, state room, chapel, withdrawal room, all those necessary devices for court life are making the castle of Dinan a real palace tower.

Battlements's party

Every 2 years, the city dive back, during a week-end of July, in strong castles era : nice ladies, brave knights proudly wear their period costumes to offer a trip in History to visitors.

Created in 1983, the battlements party propose chivaltry tournaments, a big medieval market, a great parade... This event allows residents to share their ancestors daily and, through animations, to value the city's patrimony like the Tour de l'horloge and the place des Merciers.